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Thematic Areas


Thematic Areas

01. Biodiversity

01. Biodiversity

The role of forests in supporting indigenous people's livelihoods in developing countries. In addition to providing fuel and building materials, forests also provide critical supplies of food, medicine and are an important habitat for biodiversity.
Ecological and socio-economic research that provides information needed to improve the conservation of forests and other natural resources while safeguarding community interactions is very important.

UCSD promotes community development activities, including projects that promote positive impact impacts on conservation that are consistent with national policies, plans.

02. Climate Change and Energy

02. Climate Change and Energy

Climate change poses a significant threat to Ugandan forests and their role in society. Agricultural production and overall access to food across the continent may be severely compromised.

In the coming 30 years, it will be crucial that the world's energy systems be made environmentally benign and sufficient to meet everybody's energy needs. We have better technologies than ever before to use energy efficiently, and to use the world's renewable energy resources without harming the environment. UCSD in partnership with the INFORSE secretariat, as part of the EASE CA Project have come up with a 100 % Renewables Scenario and Plan for Uganda

UCSD and partners have also developed a Catalogue of Local Sustainable Solution

03. Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)

 03. Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)

Integrated freshwater management is an important approach to secure sustainable use of water resources, as population grows fast especially in the urban areas of Uganda. UCSD works to promote social equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability in water management. UCSD has been part of the LVEMPII CS Watch Project

04. Sustainable agriculture

 03. Sustainable agriculture

UCSD believes that agricultural development should give equal weight to environmental, social, and economic concerns. Therefore, sustainability in agriculture rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Hence, UCSD through its member organisations promotes sustainable agricultural practices that include soil management, crop management, agroforestry, soils & water management and waste management including the call to ban single use of plastic bags (Kaveera) in Uganda.

05. Sustainable Socio-economic Development

 05. Sustainable Socio-economic Development

Building Partnerships with likeminded civil society and other development actors to secure sustainable development in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other nationwide policies and practices.

UCSD works with member organisations and other CSOs (including the Agenda 2030 CSO Reference Group) to contribute to attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 1 (poverty), SDG 5 (gender), SDG 7 (clean energy), SDG 13 (climate action), and SDG 17 (partnership).

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