A Green Manifesto for those seeking political power in the Local Council Elections in Nebbi district, expected to take place in 2025, has been launched. The Green Manifesto (hashtag #MakeNebbiGreen) identifies 5 key areas seeking the attention of those vying for political leadership in Nebbi district local councils. These include: the rising shortage of firewood in the area and the lack of electricity as a practicable option to stop the widespread use of tree biomass, continued use of the wasteful three-stone stove that, apart from consuming a lot of firewood, is also contributing to poor health of household members due to indoor air pollution; bush burning / wildfires that is still widely practiced for hunting and clearance of farm lands ahead of planting (dry season) and the need for renewal of pastures; weather and climate change; and the poor disposal of plastics (especially single use ones / Kaveera) in rural and urban areas.