East Africa NGO Cooperation Project "EASE-CA": Four national NGO organizations of INFORSE-East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania) cooperate in the 3-year project in 2019-2022.
Project Partners are: SusWatch Kenya, UCSD and JEEP in Uganda, TaTEDO in Tanzania, INFORSE-East Africa c/o TaTEDO, INFORSE, and NFRE (lead coordinator) (see contact details underneath).
The overall development objective of the Project is increased access to sustainable energy and other climate solutions to local communities in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania with both women’s and men’s full and effective participation and leadership for improved livelihoods and reduction of poverty. This will be realised by combining Civil Society Organization (CSO) activities on local, national and international levels in ways, where they reinforce each other. The project primarily works towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 (poverty), SDG5 (gender), SDG7 (clean energy), SDG 13 (climate action), and SDG 17 (partnerships).
The EASE CA Project has developed the following Key documents:
- 100 % Renewables Scenario and Plan for Uganda
- Catalogue Local Solutions inforse.org-Dec-2021
- East Africa Regional, International EASE-CA Baseline Study
- 100 % Renewables Scenario in Kenya
- INFORSE’s Vision for a Renewable Energy World
More about the EASE CA Project outputs from here: https://www.inforse.org/africa/EASE.htm