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The EU's new deforestation regulation (EUDR) seeks to ensure that seven commodity products—soy, beef, palm oil, wood, cocoa, coffee and rubber, all of which are major drivers of deforestation—will no longer be sold in the EU if sourced from areas affected by deforestation or forest degradation practices. Operators and large traders will need to demonstrate origin, including geo coordinates in an auditable manner, to prove the product/commodity is deforestation free

In Uganda, the school calendar officially starts on Monday February 5. Cooking in many Ugandan schools is done using firewood. Reliance on wood for cooking has contributed to rapid deforestation. The National Forestry Authority (NFA) also revealed that Uganda loses about 92,000 hectares of trees as a result of deforestation annually attributed to demand for firewood, charcoal, timber and other forest products, among others. The New Vision (June 2023) estimated that for a full term, a day school of 500 learners needs 625 trees, equivalent to cutting down an acre of eucalyptus or pine trees.

In January 2024, Government of Uganda will host the third South Summit - the supreme decision-making body of the Group of 77 (G-77), centred on the impactful theme of "Leaving no one behind." The G-77 established on 15th June 1964 by seventy-seven developing countries, provides the means for the South to

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development together with the National Renewable Energy Platform (NREP) will host the Renewable Energy Conference
& EXPO (REC23 & EXPO), from 16 – 18 November 2023, at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala, Uganda. REC23 & EXPO will be held under the theme: ‘A Clean Energy Future for All!’. This theme is timely as Uganda and indeed the rest of the world, looks forward to fulfilling SDG 7 target: “By 2030
ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.” Affordable, clean energy fuels sustainable development, such as by providing the light that allows a child to do her homework or the power that a woman uses to run sewing machines for her business. Only 28% of Uganda’s population had access to electricity in 2018. Millions still burn solid fuels such as wood and animal dung for cooking and heating, filling their homes with dangerous pollutants.

According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the adaptation gap can be defined generically as the difference between the level of adaptation actually implemented and a societally set target or goal, reflecting nationally determined needs related to climate change impacts, as well as resource limitations and competing priorities. The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) series produced by UNEP since 2014 provides an annual science-based assessment of the global progress on adaptation planning, financing, and implementation, with the aim to inform the climate negotiations among UN Member States.

Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Nordic Folkecentre for Renewable Energy (NFRE) supported by CISU Denmark have since July 2023 started implementing a Project titled: Climate Action for Sustainable Livelihoods (CAISL) in Nebbi district in West Nile region, North Western Uganda.

As a result of over a year’s work by Partners of the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE) in Africa, Europe, South Asia to identify the most important local sustainable solutions for energy access and climate action, a publication was launched on August 30, 2023

Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Nordic Folkecentre for Renewable Energy (NFRE) supported by CISU Denmark have since July 2023 started implementing a Project titled: Climate Action for Sustainable Livelihoods (CAISL) in Nebbi district in West Nile region, North Western Uganda.

The 19th ordinary session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) will convene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 14 to 18 August, 2023 under the theme, ‘Seizing Opportunities and Enhancing Collaboration to Address Environmental Challenges in Africa’.

This year’s session will serve as a platform for delegates to provide policy guidance for the effective participation of Africa in upcoming key global environmental events, including the UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP28) in the United Arab Emirates. Delegates will also discuss Africa’s response to implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) adopted at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15).

Plastics have become a necessary evil in our lives to the extent that we cannot avoid using them. On the contrary, pollution arising from the growing plastic use is rapidly becoming one of the most pressing environmental threats to the people and the planet.

With over 6.5 billion tones circulating on the planet, plastic pollution has been found in every ecosystem, from the highest peaks to the deepest depths. Micro- and nano-plastic particles have also been observed in human placenta, blood, and breast milk, posing threats to human health due to the toxic additives in plastic products (IISD, 2023).


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